Complexities of English language

There is an old adage which says that practice makes perfect. However, this doesn't apply when it comes to the English language. As you grow older and keep on adding new words to your existing nomenclature and you are in for the never ending complexities of the English language. The language may only comprise of 26 letters and 48 distinct sounds, but the insidious dilemma of unpredictable spellings can overpower you!

The perfect example is of the word “bear" which can either refer to a noun- the four legged animal like a panda--or the verb which typically means to hold up or to carry in mind. At the end of the day it all trickles down to one thing- Which is in what context are you using the word. Furthermore, the 8000 homophones make the language exceedingly difficult to fathom. The words “bare" and "bear" sounds similar but disparate in terms of their meanings. Feel the difference by just typing the two distinct words such as "bare hands" vs. "bear hands". The former means uncovered hands, whereas the latter makes you instantly imagine hairy hands, like that of a bear.

More interestingly many words have evolved during the course of time, such as the word "Cartridge" emerged from the French predilection of the word “cartouche". Furthermore, the word "Colonel", which is a French-loan word, has been used since the sixteenth century. The primitive form of the word was "Coronel".

The influx of the media and the burgeoning of the Hollywood industry will lead to the further evolving of the English language, or will the English language cease to exist altogether?

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