History of National Young Readers Week

Essentially, National Young Readers Week is a mega event coined by Pizza Hut alongside with the library of congress. In order to add a bit of glamour to this event, celebrities are called upon to read out books in the classrooms in order to inspire young hearts. The act of reading becomes enforced on the young students as they watch the personalities they esteem the most to be well read about a wide array of topics pertaining to their field of interest. These celebrities would include actors, sports figures, safety officers and parents. The day is celebrated to reinforce the essential habit of reading which would shape up the career of the child.

Reader's head

The reader's head is thriving with ideas and innovative ways of doing things. An avid reader who has gotten the chance to improve these rudimentary skills has more creative thoughts than people around him. A fervent reader will be able to solve problems by offering multiple solutions to a single problem. They develop an innate ability to use their figment of imagination to create things from the scratch which other people will not have the capacity to do so.    

Training Young minds

How is it possible to motivate the young students enough to develop the reading habits and inadvertently benefit from the fruitful habit of reading such as being able to write best essays?  By encouraging the young readers to read more. There should be an incentive program for the students which would make them entitled to various gifts including tickets to the Disney World, if they are able to achieve the set target to read X number of books over the period of few months. This way the young readers will be encouraged to become devoted readers and be able to secure their future.      

Black Friday

Black Friday is just around the corner, and just like every year you must be expecting throngs of people going out shopping according to the wish list that they had made long before November.Traditionally, Black Friday is celebrated right after Thanksgiving on a Friday to gear up for the Christmas Eve.The festive season was named in Philadelphia where the roads were jammed with traffic and it was next to impossible to manoeuvre the car out of the disruption.Soon afterwards the name gained popularity and began to be observed across the country.As Black Friday is nearing , you must have already marked your calenders for the big day this year which will most likely fall on November. The internet is bombarded with deals including some of the high end brands at the Macy's which is a dream come true for the shoppers. 

Rise & Fall

Interestingly, despite the revival of the US economy the overall spending on Black Friday has diminished over the course of two years. According to a survey, the overall spending on Black Friday was $11.2 billion in 2012 which depicts a decline of 1.8% as compared to 2011. This might have come as a surprise to you as to why has the spending declined significantly when the giant retailers and service providers such as WallMart, Sears, Target, Amazon, Khols, Macys and BestBuy have mega discount offers and doorbusters for the general masses. Perhaps because the consumer today is more cautious about the money and how it is being utilized.The consumer today doesn't buy things based on their whim but for necessity.Therefore, every time the consumer stumbles upon a discount offer. their immediate response mechanism makes them sceptical about the offer rather than taking it as an opportunity.Our salutary advise to you will be to keep looking out for good deals, and don't ponder too much if you are getting a premium quality service at an affordable price.

Complexities of English language

There is an old adage which says that practice makes perfect. However, this doesn't apply when it comes to the English language. As you grow older and keep on adding new words to your existing nomenclature and you are in for the never ending complexities of the English language. The language may only comprise of 26 letters and 48 distinct sounds, but the insidious dilemma of unpredictable spellings can overpower you!

The perfect example is of the word “bear" which can either refer to a noun- the four legged animal like a panda--or the verb which typically means to hold up or to carry in mind. At the end of the day it all trickles down to one thing- Which is in what context are you using the word. Furthermore, the 8000 homophones make the language exceedingly difficult to fathom. The words “bare" and "bear" sounds similar but disparate in terms of their meanings. Feel the difference by just typing the two distinct words such as "bare hands" vs. "bear hands". The former means uncovered hands, whereas the latter makes you instantly imagine hairy hands, like that of a bear.

More interestingly many words have evolved during the course of time, such as the word "Cartridge" emerged from the French predilection of the word “cartouche". Furthermore, the word "Colonel", which is a French-loan word, has been used since the sixteenth century. The primitive form of the word was "Coronel".

The influx of the media and the burgeoning of the Hollywood industry will lead to the further evolving of the English language, or will the English language cease to exist altogether?

A critical thinker can bring all the change!

What is critical thinking? It is the ability of an individual to think rationally with clarity. It includes a person's ability to engage in thinking independent of all sorts of clauses. An individual, blessed with the ability to think critically possess the following skills:

An individual can:
  •    Have a better understanding of the logical interconnections between several ideas & concepts;
  • ·        Identify , develop & figure out the arguments with appropriate arguments;
  • ·        Detect the common errors and inconsistency in verified reasoning;
  • ·        Sort out the ambiguities & problems systematically;
  • ·        Identify the relevant details & can realize the significance of ideas;
  • ·        Justify one's beliefs, thoughts, & values.

For custom writing, one needs to think critically, it is all about accumulating relevant information.  An individual with a good memory & with knowledge of a lot of facts may not necessarily be good critical thinker as such thinking is all about deducing results from the available resources. When an individual is writing an essay, it isn't necessary that he or she is capable of deducing the key points and jot down the material appropriately.

Therefore, all the students who are assigned custom writing tasks must be aware of the importance of critical thinking. Find an excellent essay writer for yourself & earn an exceptional piece of write-ups from the experienced professionals who are expert at deducing meaningful & relevant information by preparing a new content for you.